Gosh, so many things to comment on - I've had to open a duplicate tab to be able to look back at the last four or five pages while writing this!
Lassie's report at post #163 on p14: thank you for so much detail about the Q&A and especially about approaching Rufus. Well done for being so bold - it's amazing what you can achieve when the prize is that good!! ;D Thank you, too, for being "bossy" (you weren't, of course) and making sure we got there in time! Yes, you did fling open the door to the restroom, after dashing past me, waiting outside - as you did, I thought "That was Lassie!", then introduced myself as you rushed back out!
As I arrived at the auditorium, Rufus was saying to someone (sorry, can't remember who - maybe Maz) about Zen, "There's a lot more humour in it than you'd think, isn't there?" From reading what's been said about the original script being a bit dry and him wanting to inject more humour into it, he's obviously keen to get the reaction to that (thank you for expanding upon that,
Maz, at #183).
Anniem's post #169, p12: he's so modest, saying it was nice to be thought handsome at his age. Like he's ancient! Personally, I think his looks improve even more as he gets older.
The question about his comic timing must have pleased him, with his desire to be offered roles in which he can display that particular talent of his, so let's hope Zen gets the powers-that-be thinking of him for well-written comedic roles in the future.
It was me who said about the sandwiches! I think he'd just mentioned about having to go for something to eat, and I said (kind of hoping I could prompt him to make a comment about the birthday card), "Oh, and we were thinking of bringing you sandwiches!" and he laughed - I think it might have been then that he said he was being taken for a posh dinner, but it might have been before (seriously, your brain goes to mush when he's only inches away!)
I was then
delighted to see
Manuela's and
Anniem's and then
Lassie's pics, as I'm in them
- so I DID get my photo taken with Rufus after all, just not right next to him! (I'm the one with short blonde hair, glasses and long black coat)(and of course, my first thought was, "oh, no, my hair looks
awful!") YAYYYYYYYYY! (Still jealous about the hugs and kisses, though!)
Manuela, your fourth pic of Rufus is just
as is yours with him - I loved this comment about that one:
I must say, the guy suits you well
He's a great accessory, isn't he?! ;D
Now, that third picture from Lassie:
I have no idea why he was looking shocked! He was looking at my ticket, from his last performance of the London run of R&R in 2006, that I'd asked him to sign - he'd asked if we'd met before (this was soon after Manuela had said she'd met him after the Vinyan Q&A) and I said, "As it happens, we have..." and handed him the ticket, and he laughed as he looked at it and said "Ah, yes, we have..... on the 5 November!"....so I think the photo was taken as he's saying the "ah!" bit. (You girls - you didn't think I'd written a saucy message on there, did you??!!
;D) And I didn't even notice the bare tum!!
Nell's report at #192, p13: Please give hubby a BIG kiss from me for asking Rufus to wait for you, otherwise I might have missed him, too!!
I don't remember him explaining where you'd been (too stunned at the vision before me!) but I'm sure Rufus was amused! What d'you mean Mr Nell can't recall what else they chatted about - get those thumbscrews out, woman!
Rufluvr, post#203 - yes, Lassie did pretty much shout that!
And finally, welcome to
Cazbaz (as Rueful has encouraged, please do start your own thread in the Members section, so you can tell us more about yourself and we can give you a proper welcome) and thank you for the details you've given of the Q&A. Yes, please, do tell all you can remember - we savour every little detail here (but as you've lurked, you'll know that already! ;D)
I have to quote you here:
At one point Catarina tickled him behind his ear
(oh, and thank you for the good wishes from everyone who was so pleased I made it there after all - no more so than I was!)
And mostly thanks to Rufus for, as ever, being so gracious and accomodating and patient with his fans. How lucky we are that the man that's most important to us is not only a fantastic actor but a lovely human being as well.
ADDED from the AZ thread:
Wasn't Nell asked if she was press on the way in ?!!!!!
Is that right, Nell? Should've said yes - you might have got us more time with him!!