Post by peach on Mar 14, 2009 3:21:08 GMT
it's the pessimist in me.....but notice it next time, I'm serious, she's like she's the kid from the Omen...........freaky.
Post by GreenEyesToo on Mar 14, 2009 11:13:44 GMT
She hardly ever walks, either - almost always being carried.
Post by dirtygirldiva on Mar 14, 2009 21:12:04 GMT
that whole TomKat thing is freaky...poor Katie...she could have been great...but Tom just had to suck her into a world of aliens, bottles and couches.
Post by peach on Mar 15, 2009 20:20:10 GMT
I think she almost certainly went willingly. I beg to differ on her acting ailities, I think she's just so so, but yeah the whole thing is freaky indeed. I wouldn't have ever mentioned it but i just noticed every time that poor kid get her picture taken she just never smiles. Sad, and she's always in designer clothes too. What is she a trophy???
Post by ambra on Mar 15, 2009 20:59:30 GMT
I thougnt the same thing about that too. It's like everytime they go out for a "casual walk" both Katie and Suri are wearing hundreds of dollars worth of designer clothing. The most ridiculous picture I saw was them going for a walk and Katie was chasing Suri wearing designeer high heels!
Post by dirtygirldiva on Mar 16, 2009 21:26:55 GMT
i'm not saying her acting is great now...it had potential though. Ever seen "Pieces of April"? Brilliant.
And duh Suri is a trophy. Very similar to Brangelinas kids...all of them. Hollywood types love accesories....and unfortunatly some believe that kids are an appropriate thing to lug around and show off like a sign of status. It's the "in" thing afterall to have kids now.
I just made an appointment with a WSP recruiter for Friday. He wants to meet at a Starbucks for the meeting....hmmm a cop and a coffee shop...who'd of thunk it?
Post by ambra on Mar 17, 2009 1:07:07 GMT
Good luck, DGD! What is WSP? Is it the local police department?
Post by rueful on Mar 17, 2009 1:26:14 GMT
Wait, is this change effective immediately DGD? Does this mean you don't have to go to Kuwait?
Post by ambra on Mar 17, 2009 7:14:05 GMT
I just can't believe how uptight the powers that be at work are! Our coach informed us a few days ago that each Dr. Dish team was required to come up with a team name, mascot, color, and motto to "encourage team spirit". Most of us rolled our eyes not only because it sounds like something we'd do if we were still in high school but also because we just did a mandatory shift bid which takes affect in about three weeks so the teams as they are now will no longer exist. However, we thought if we have to do this, lets have some fun! We have IM capabilities so on our team thread, we began tossing around ideas, sometimes trying to incorporate terms we use at work. One of those terms is "aux" which refers to the mode we use for anytime we need to stop calls from coming to our individual stations like for team meetings, training, breaks, etc. I came up with the name "Raiders of the Lost Aux" with our mascot being a satelite dish with a fedora and a bullwhip. The others on the team really liked it.
Last night, our coach posts the lists of possible names for the team to vote on and my suggestion was absent from the list. The coach's cubicle is in front of mine and a fellow team member who was sitting adjacent to me asked him why it had been excluded. The coach said his bosses vetoed it! Why? Since the "aux" refers to something we do so we're not taking calls, the team name implied we didn't want to do our job and help customers! To his credit, the coach said he argued that it was just a play on words and that no one on our team felt that way but to no avail. We ended up choosing "The Cartel" and after tossing around ideas for a motto we came up with "Need a fix? We have 100% Quality Product". The coach submitted it but I wouldn't be surprised if his bosses veto that because "it implies we sell drugs". If that happens, I give up! If they want to infer things that we are not implying because they have no sense of humor, then I'm not wasting my time and energy! More than likely, we'll be changing the team names in a month anyway once the new schedules take affect and everyone is on different teams.
Post by tipou on Mar 17, 2009 11:27:31 GMT
i just sent an email to my boss saying i am taking the day off. i feel sick. i feel guilty. will stay home with my finch and my book. and my pc of course. and my bed. oh yes. zzzzzzz
Post by rueful on Mar 17, 2009 16:47:25 GMT
Sorry you're sick, tipou. I hope the extra rest helps a lot. And try some Rufus gazing--that will improve your spirits, anyway, if not your body.
Ambra, I'm also sorry about the work frustration you're experiencing. Humorless bosses are horrible! (Somehow when people get put in charge, all fun goes out the window.) It could be worse, though--you could be an actor on the set of EH!
Post by dirtygirldiva on Mar 17, 2009 17:36:55 GMT
Yeah my work is full of PC uptight fu**tards...ooops did I say that out loud? Sorry Ambra..I like the Fedora and Bullwhip brandishing dish...sounds very....Derby inspired!
And yes Rueful...change is permanant. No Kuwait. Long story..maybe I will post it in the rants and raves thread...whenever I'm not mad enough to incinierate this board with my course language and raging anger.
Oh and yes...WSP is the Washington State Patrol. *hint*
I just buried my poor dwarf hampster last night. Poor girl hadn't looked right for months. She was about 3...a tad longer than dwarf hampsters are supposed to live. R.I.P Sophie.
Post by GreenEyesToo on Mar 17, 2009 17:55:07 GMT
Tipou - sorry to hear you're not feeling well, hope the rest is helping.
Ambra - I'd probably have walked out at such nonsense. Well, maybe not.....Good thing you have a sense of humour.
DGD - so sorry to hear about your pet. {{hugs}}
Post by tipou on Mar 17, 2009 18:08:06 GMT
thank you, GE2, the day off is doing wonders so far. i slept and read and i will probably will watch a movie later on. i feel like i skipped a school day.
Post by ambra on Mar 17, 2009 21:27:16 GMT
DGD--Sorry about your hamster but glad to hear you're not going to Kuwait.
Tip--hope you feel better! Sometimes just a day or two of rest is just what you're body needs to recover.
GE2--I'm just more frustrated at the ridiculousness of it all. The whole point was to foster team spirit and boost morale but they shootdown the idea that did just that. I'm certainly not mad enough to quit! I worked at Wal-Mart before this and I make more in two weeks at my job now than I did in a month at Wal-Mart! Whenever I get frustrated with work, I take a look at my pay stub and I always feel better!